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View here our public changelogs of Miu's World

Miu's World Changelogs
πŸ“Œ Dev Logs

Released on 12-17-2024

  • (text) Major Changelog will be posted when the alpha is released. We are working very hard on it to try and get it out by the end of this month.
  • (Unity) Fixed major issues with character controller and swallow animation. Both of these were game breaking since January-March that were extremely complicated.
  • (Unity) Dash works 100% now
  • (Unity) Main Menu is functional and player prefs are saved
  • (Unity) Loading Level screen is created and functional
  • (Unity) Miu will 100% of the time catch the player unless he dashes away which uses a majority of stamina.
  • (Unity) Thousands of minor improvements to UI, small snippets of code, cleanup, unused code removed, now using a different input system to support all controller types
  • (text) These are major game breaking fixes that were fixed in the last couple days that heavily progressed game development towards the alpha. The alpha will be released in waves. Each wave will bring a ton of new content, with a bunch of bug fixing in between until we meet our goal for release or 1.0 which will come especially with all the tremendous support we are receiving.
  • (text) We are doing waves of content to further ensure high quality gameplay, and thorough bug testing from our supporters.
  • (text) As for additional characters, content, alpha, hairstyles, hair color changes, customization, sound. Some will be presented in the first release but with potentially hundreds of different accessories to add it will take time to optimize. Additional characters will come when they are ready. Since they have new internals, each one will take quite some time until all 5-6 characters are completed. It takes at least 4 months to stitch, and test all the internals to a new model and ensure no visual inaccuracies and that's after it's been completed.
  • (text) The idea for waves are simple. Month 1 will fix all critical bugs, and hopefully all small bugs. Month 2 will be focused 100% on adding all the additional content for that content update. Since the foundation of the game will be there, big excitement for each wave :D
Miu's World Changelogs
πŸ“Œ Dev Logs

Released on 11-1-2024

  • Important information. We're still actively moving our project to the new Unity 6. This is a lot of work, and we won't be noting those changes down here.
  • (Unity) Created manual player spawn point on game start
  • (Unity) Created Miu spawn point on game start
  • (Unity) Added death script
  • (Unity) Began work on pause menu
  • (Unity) Added temp Character model to start on player animations
  • (Unity) Added emotion to Miu letting her face change depending on her mood
  • (Unity) Miu's emotion is now determined by certain factors that will not be spoiled
  • (Unity) Fixed a small issue with an animation stopping against walls
  • (Unity) Set it so Miu looks at the player when in chase phase
  • (Unity) Added mini-game phase to Miu
  • (Unity) Started work on new animations to tell the player what she's doing
  • (Unity) Started work on fixing up red light green light, and the maze mini-game to be integrated with Miu
  • (Unity) Added all the candy that wasn't in the game
  • (Unity) Switched fully to Unity 6
  • (Unity) Updated scripts to work with Unity 6
  • (Unity) Removed all old scripts that used the old input system and switched to new unity input system
  • (Unity) Removed deprecated unity features and upgraded to new ones improving over all FPS
  • (Unity) Switched fully to uRP
  • (Unity) Re-created the stomach/mouth shader that was once in built-in to work as well as it can with uRP
  • (Unity) Added some experimental keybinds to force interact with Miu
  • (Unity) Re-doing work on how the stomach reacts with objects inside, such as when too much candy or the player is at a certain point it will move slightly, also will help so when it squeezes it doesn't cause clipping
  • (Unity) Added bark dialogue box, nameplate, and face box all custom designed for Miu's world
  • (Unity) Added a ton of pre-made bark dialogue into the setup to actively play during the game
  • (Blender) Further progress on Miu's Apartment
  • (Site) removed some hidden pages and removed Miu's PC.
  • (Site) Moved everything to our new server(s)
  • (Site) Started the development for the backend.
  • (Site) Changed the color palette a bit.
Miu's World Changelogs
πŸ“Œ Dev Logs

Released on 9-1-2024 - 9-25-2024

  • (blender / unity) more progress on the new apartment map.
  • (blender) baked more materials directly into the textures.
  • (blender) optimized more meshes.
  • (blender) modeling new parts of the apartment.
  • (unity) <miu> Fixed her walking animation.
  • (unity) <miu> Fixed her turn animation.
  • (unity) <miu> Completed her walking animation
  • (unity) <miu> Fixed up her vore animation so she can actually swallow. Still needs worked on
  • (unity) <miu> She officially follows the player properly when picking the player up, making it impossible to dodge her without dash
  • (unity) added an AI for tinies to walk around
  • (unity) added an AI that tells the tinies how to walk around and not run into each other, and also provides Miu with certain updates I will not spoil
  • (unity) added an AI that determines what the player is doing and response appropriately
  • (unity) fixed a major memory leak
  • (unity) fixed the acid so it rises and drains when the player enters
  • (unity) changed objects from destroy to unload to prevent the acid from glitching out
  • (unity) fixed bounding box reading error preventing the stomach acid count from being read properly.
  • (unity) fixed a major issue with the player not following Miu properly.
  • (unity) fixed animation error where her elbow went backwards
  • (unity) fixed AI for tinies so they run from Miu when she's too close
  • (unity) added exhaustion for AI tinies so they cannot run indefinitely, and also regain patrol state after getting far enough away from Miu
  • (unity) made it so Miu is impossible for tinies to escape from
  • (unity) started work on a model for the tinies that is candy based rather than human based to add digest keys.
  • (unity) adding ragdoll physics for the player along with looking for a model for player
  • (unity) added bark text for when she chases player
  • (unity) added bark text for when the player is digesting
  • (unity) added bark text for when the player is caught
  • (unity) added all the animations that we have to the animation tree along with completed parameters to prevent animation loop errors.
  • (unity) added scripts to detect when the player is picked up, if food is picked up, what animation to use, etc.
  • (unity) fixed flickering light.
  • (unity) fixed the issue that when switching scenes, the UI would lock up randomly.
  • (unity) We're thinking of making the wall colors customizable for the apartment map.
  • (unity) added outside scenery.
  • (unity) optimized more loose objects.
  • (unity) add new wardrobe that switches the background scene with the current map.
  • (unity) optimized the website even more.
  • (unity) user character customizer in the works...
  • (unity) working on a futa/trap mode?
  • (unity) More niche options are now available for the playable map(s).
  • (unity) fixed water issue with some clothes disappearing ~hihi
  • (unity) fixed sky not showing the clouds correctly when the sun was right above the player.
  • (discord) added a role-play lounge channel as requested by the community.
  • (site) full redesign of
  • (site) Website is now in production mode instead of development mode.
  • (site) The changelogs page is missing the search functionality (it's behaving weirdly since we switched from Vue to Nuxt).
  • (site) improved navigation.
  • (site) added a privacy policy page.
  • (site) added a basic support/contact page for now.
  • (site) fixed the language selector.
  • (site) working on an account system with key support.